Selected Machine

HWSII Water System

Select area of concern:

Dispensing issue

Over-boiling or splashing while dispensing or boiling

Splashing while dispensing hot water

Machine won't stop boiling water



Hot water dripping

Dripping constantly

Dripping while boiling only

Problem with water flow

Water does not dispense

Error code on screen

Error 1, 2, 5, 6, 18, 25, 55, 56

Error 3

Error 4

Error 8

Error 14




Error 20

Error 22

Error 26

Error 51

Error 60

Other technical issue

Cleanliness or water quality issue

The water has an aftertaste

The water has an odour/ smell

The water is cloudy / has bits in it

Burnt smell from the Water System





Issue changing filter / UV lamp

Problem with UV lamp replacement

The system is not detecting the UV lamp

The base of the UV lamp is stuck inside housing

UV lamp broken

UV light red after replacing

Problem with filter replacement

Filter is stuck/handle is broken

Filter does not fit

Fault during filter replacement

New filter isn't recognised

Machine stuck during process

Machine leaked during process

spinning circles OO

How to complete filter / UV service

Temperature issue

Water System not heating

Water System not cooling

Error 1

Error 2

Error 4

No Error Code

Hot & Cold Water dispense simultaneously

Hot water is not hot enough

Cold water is not cold enough

Mixed water is too hot / cold

Very hot machine

Electrical issue

Blank Display Screen

No Power

Power Cable is damaged

No power or display to the Water System

Water System causing short circuit in the property

I have an issue with cup sizes

Noisy water system

Intermittent noise

Noise when system is boiling

Fan running

Noise when dispensing water

Cosmetic issue

Help fitting a part

The problem is cosmetic only

Drip tray won't stay in place


Cup rest tray

Cup tray grill 2005028

Spout cover 2005260

Top decorative cover

Buttons damaged/cracked

Problem fitting cosmetic part

Drip tray won't stay in place

Fitting spout cover

Machine is wobbly / leg is broken

Issue with display / buttons

Buttons have a fault

Display screen is damaged/cracked

UV or Filter icon is red

UV light red







Filter light red







Display screen is frozen

Leaking issue

Leak from mains connection valve

Leak in the tubing from main valve to the Water System

Spout is dripping

Constant drip

Drips during chill process (can hear fan)

Drips during boil process (red light flashing)

Leak from the connector at the rear of the Water System

Leak underneath the machine

Drip tray is full

Drip tray is empty

Leak from rear shut off tap behind water system

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