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Shop nowAlthough putting all our plastic waste into the recycling bin might seem to be the simple answer to the plastic pollution problem, the actual process of recycling has become just another problem we’re now facing.
There are huge disadvantages to relying on recycling. Read on to find out why reducing the consumption of single-use plastic altogether is the much better option.
The average person uses 156 plastic bottles per year. Estimates show that 90% of those bottles remain unrecycled, ending up in landfills or dumped in the environment, and taking up to 1,000 years to degrade.
It takes about 5.3 litres of water to produce a typical 500ml single-use water bottle. That’s ten times the amount of water it will ultimately hold.
Every year, 1.5 million barrels of oil are used to manufacture plastic bottles. More oil is then burned transporting them around the world. So, the environmental impact of a plastic bottle goes well beyond the container itself.
It costs more to recycle a plastic bottle than to produce a new one and dispose of the old one. It’s not cheap to recycle plastic.
The huge amount of time and tools needed to clean it, take the labels off, separate all the different types of plastic from one another, and then actually recycle it into something else, means that it’s not always a simple or cost-effective process.
So, plastic can be turned into new things - sometimes. But it’s a very technical, expensive process. And plastic degrades each time it‘s reused, so it can't be recycled more than a few times.
The plastic industry claims that PET plastic, commonly used to make clear drinks bottles, can be recycled again and again, but only a low proportion actually is. It’s still cheaper for the industry to produce new plastic.
There’s more than just one type of plastic. There are quite a few types. And they can't all be melted down together. The fact that all plastic has to be sorted and separated only adds to the great expense of recycling.
Plastic resin identification codes, created by the plastic industry and printed onto plastic products, use the globally recognised symbol for recycling - three arrows in a triangular loop.
The suggestion is that all different types of plastic in each of the categories in the chart above will always be easily recycled - from polyethylene terephthalate, to polystyrene, to ‘other’.
But only numbers one and two in the chart are recycled in any significant amount. Categories three to five aren’t commonly recycled. Polystyrene (number six) is notoriously difficult to recycle and most plastics in category seven might not be recycled at all.
Despite all plastic not being infinitely recyclable, the good news is that aluminium definitely is.
We can each do our own small part to help fix the problem. There are plenty of ways to help reduce our own reliance on single-use plastic, such as:
If we begin to rely less on recycling and place more emphasis on cutting single-use plastic out of our lives, the less demand there would be for new plastic to be manufactured in the first place.