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Can you drink too much water?
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Shop nowNo one likes to be misinformed about anything, especially something that could impact their health and happiness. That’s why we have taken a long hard look at some of the reasons people have told us as to why they don't want to drink water.
Here are the top myths and facts about drinking water and hydration. So, strap in and prepare to learn something new today!
Fact: Coffee, tea and all those different kinds of soft drink are no substitute for lots of lovely pure water.
As caffeine can cause dehydration and make you wee a lot (though this is different for everyone), you shouldn't be drinking two to three litres of these kinds of drinks a day. Especially if they're full of sugar or sweetener as well.
Fact: Drinking a lot of water very quickly might just temporarily bloat your tummy, so listen to your body and slow down a bit.
You might also have other stuff going on in your stomach (hang on, are you still digesting food!?) Good old fashioned common sense should prevail. Just don't drink so much so fast.
If you have really persistent bloating issues, it could be something else like a tummy bug or constipation. So it's best to have a chat with your friendly, knowledgeable GP about this water myth.
Fact: False! It’s a water fact that drinking (in moderation) while eating will balance your food intake and will actually improve food digestion. This is why your doctor will always recommend drinking before and during meals.
There's also the added benefit that water will help you to feel fuller quicker, so will ensure you don't overindulge on food. Win!
Fact: No-ooo, who told you that?! The morning is a great time to drink a glass of lovely water! Drinking water is healthy throughout the day.
Just don't go drinking three litres of water all at once, at any time of the day. That's not wise. And you'd need a toilet to be nearby in pretty short order.
Fact: This water myth is wrong! You should drink water even when you're not thirsty. Thirst is a physiological alert that the body sends when it has lost a bit too much water.
You should be sipping water throughout the day so you never get to the point that you’re thirsty.
Fact: Really? It honestly shouldn't. There's probably something else going on, either with you or the water you're drinking. Maybe try having a chat with your GP? They know their stuff.
Fact: Yup, that's your body doing what it's designed to do - regulate your water balance. You'll pee out pale yellow or clear, odourless urine if you're sufficiently hydrated. So that's a good thing.
If you find you’re peeing a lot and your pee is always clear, then you can probably hold off on drinking any more water for a while. You don’t want to get overhydrated. Also, diuretics (such as caffeine) will make you pee even if you don't really need to. If you're worried about peeing a lot then the best person to talk to, as ever, is your trusted GP.
Another water fact to keep in mind is that if your pee is tending towards a darker yellow (or brown!) then you’re properly dehydrated and your body's crying out for more water.
Fact: Yes you do. Your body constantly loses water to balance its temperature.
You might feel superficially comfortable, because any sweat is discreetly evaporating, but you're still losing water that you need to replace.
Fact: Did you even read the point above!? Even in air-conditioned environments, your body still loses water (it's sneaky like that) and your skin will start to dry out. So, make sure you’re visiting the office water dispenser regularly for clean, fresh drinks.
Fact: Drinking so much water that you die is very, very rare. Water intoxication, or water poisoning, can only happen when you drink absolutely excessive amounts of water - way more than your normally self-regulating body can cope with.
If you're heading that way, you'll probably be painfully bloated and you'll end up vomiting, That's a pretty good signal that you've drunk too much. Hyponatremia occurs when the salt level in your blood becomes way too diluted.
Here’s an interesting water fact: Exercise-associated hyponatremia is relatively common in marathon runners when they have not managed their water intake correctly.
Listen to your body
When it comes to water intake, you really should be listening closely to what your body is telling you through the little clues it gives.
And if you're ever in doubt or have a concern, it's always a good idea to check in with your GP, they'll be able to assess you on an individual level.
Next, check out some surprising reasons why you should drink more water, from keeping you in a good mood to improving digestion.