​Why fish and chips could be a thing of the past

By Bob Fear

​Why fish and chips could be a thing of the past

How much do you love the good old British dish of fish and chips? It has to be our nation’s favourite meal. We’d opt for a delicious serving of seafood whenever we can.

But because we can’t justify chips every time, we’d also opt for a comforting fish pie, a luscious seafood linguine, a prawn-tastic paella. We could go on. They all get our mouth watering.

But did you know that our planet’s sealife is in danger? Sustainable fishing methods aim to keep natural stocks healthy, but now the world’s oceans are threatened by plastic pollution. By 2040, the amount of plastic waste in the oceans could triple. 

By 2050, there could be more plastic in the ocean than fish. By continuing to buy single use plastic in particular, we are threatening all sea life across our planet.

Our habit of buying plastic bottles of water is one of the main causes of this oncoming catastrophe. In the UK, we use 13 billion plastic bottles each year, 7.7 billion of which are plastic water bottles. 

The average person uses 156 plastic bottles per year and 91% of plastic water bottles aren’t recycled. Around 1,500 plastic bottles are thrown away every second. 

These end up in landfill and in the sea. An estimated 8 million plastic bottles contaminate our oceans.

This is a planet-killing problem that we have created. But we can also fix it before it’s too late. We can save our sea life by not buying single-use plastic anymore. 

If we stop buying plastic bottles of water, we could help prevent an even bigger disaster than we are currently facing. 

If our demand for plastic bottles decreases, then maybe the manufacturers will stop making them in the first place.

Maybe we can still enjoy an occasional guilt-free fish dinner in the future? No-one wants to do away with a treat of fish and chips on a Friday.

But if we carry on buying and dumping single-use plastic water bottles, a delicious fish supper could be a thing of the past. Imagine if our fishermen could only catch plastic? Battered water bottle anyone?

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